Anyways, Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read each week and is a joint effort between all of us bloggers to find new blogs to read and love. Plus, each week a different question is asked, and I get to answer it! So here goes:
Q. What book that hasn't been turned into a movie yet would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you cast as your favorite character?
ME. It seems like every book with a little bit of buzz coming out right now has been optioned for a movie, but I'm thinking The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross would make a pretty awesome movie. I love love love period stuff, and this would just be begging for me to watch it, plus I can see a pretty cool ad campaign for it. :) To play Finley, we'd need someone super tough... In a few years I'd love to see Hailee Steinfeld play her. I've been practically obsessed with her since I saw her in True Grit, and she needs something else to show off that steely look of hers.
Book Blogger Hop is a weekly par-tay for book bloggers to connect! It's hosted by Crazy for Books (follow that link to get to this week's Blogger Hop post!) and lasts Friday through Monday every week! Except this week! We're going Saturday through Tuesday! Woo! And we get another exciting question, here goes:

Have a lovely weekend all! I know I will! Root for the Crimson Tide against Florida on Saturday, the game starts at 7 central time! Roll Tide! Hehehe. :)