Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Entwined by Heather Dixon {3}

It's Tuesday! And we all know what that means!!! TEASER TUESDAY! EGADS! (Egads is my word of the day, it would seem. ) Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading, and it is quite simple.

All you have to do is this:

  1. Pick up whatever book you are currently reading.
  2. Open it up to a random page.
  3. Pick two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page. (Be careful not to spoil anything!)
  4. Share those sentences! Be sure to include the book title, author, etc. so your readers can add it to their to be read pile if they're intrigued!
Easy peasy, right?

So I actually finished a book literally five minutes ago, but shall not be teasing it, given that I am not currently reading it. Technicalities, hah! So my next book to read is Entwined, by Heather Dixon. Pretty much all I know about it is that it is a retelling of the story of the twelve dancing princesses. (Who woulda thunk that I could get two retellings of that story in what library trip? Just a talent, I suppose.) I am happy to report, though, that this week I can actually remember the story.

Anyways, here is my teaser, from page 78:

"'Gentlemen, shmentlemen,' said Azalea. 'Don't you remember lessons with Mother? We danced reels and quadrilles and all sorts of things without a partner.'

'But it's different, with a gentleman."
Hmmm... I really haven't started the book, so I am as blank as anyone... I guess we'll see! :)

I hope you've enjoyed my teaser for this week, and if you have, check out the book! I'd love to see y'all's teasers, so you can post them here in my comments, or just check out the list of teasers over at Should Be Reading. I know that's what I'll be doing! Cheerio!